Oct 09
Many people believe that first-time DUI charges are not that serious. However, even one DUI on your driving record can have long-lasting and severe consequences. read more
Sep 28
Since the coronavirus began, more people have been shopping online and avoiding crowded department stores and shopping malls. This has led to an even larger increase in Amazon and other online deliveries. Porch packages are easy targets for thieves looking to cash in on some free merchandise. read more
Sep 14
In August 2020, a new Seattle Community Court launched. This court has two main goals: to reduce incarceration in the city and resolve low level, non-violent cases quickly. They believe that low-level criminal cases can best be resolved by connecting offenders to community resources, not by placing them in prison. read more
Aug 26
Police officers often interrogate suspects in crimes to get them to admit guilt and help them uncover other suspects. Interrogations involve complex legal technicalities but suspects still have rights during this time. It is important to understand interrogations and what will happen, so you can protect those rights. read more
Aug 12
Over the last several months, there have been many talks over police use in this country and especially in Seattle. Business owners have begun to have frank conversations about how to handle potential conflicts in their own establishments in the aftermath of the protests. Do they call the police or is there a better solution? read more