May 11
The Coronavirus pandemic fully hit the United States in March 2020. In Washington, a stay-at-home order was officially issued on March 23 and since then, burglaries in Seattle have increased by 21 percent. read more
Apr 28
Battery is offensive or harmful touching, while an assault occurs when someone attempts to commit battery, using threats. While some states treat assault and battery as a single crime, in Washington, an assault charge covers both the threat of force, as well as the actual use of force, subjecting you to assault charges, even in cases where battery occurred. read more
Apr 17
According to a recent article in the Seattle Times, Seattle merchants have seen an uptick in shoplifting. Shoplifting is considered larceny in the state of Washington, and penalties can be fairly steep—not only fines but potentially jail time as well. read more
Apr 06
While staying at home might be a chance for many of us to binge Netflix or bake bread, for victims of domestic violence, stay at home orders could invite more opportunities for their abusers to take advantage. read more
Mar 23
Last August, the Seattle Times reported on an elderly Seattle resident who was facing his 17th DUI case. Prior to 2007, a drunk driver could not be charged with a felony in the state of Washington for driving while intoxicated unless the driver caused serious injury or death. That law has since been changed, allowing prosecutors to charge an intoxicated driver with a Class C felony in cases where the driver had five DUI convictions within ten years. read more