Jun 08
Being accused of a crime is bad enough, but when the charges against you include accusations of being involved in a criminal street gang, the stakes are even higher and the process is even more complicated. read more
May 18
In non-legal environments, many people use the terms homicide and murder interchangeably. That can lead to a lot of confusion when a criminal case is underway. What exactly does homicide mean? What about murder? Or manslaughter? Here's a rundown of what each word means. read more
May 04
Like with any other violation of the law, some driving offenses are more serious than others. Some traffic violations are not serious enough to qualify as a misdemeanor. More serious traffic violations are crimes, however. Here are some types of traffic crimes that are considered misdemeanors or felonies. read more
Apr 20
Losing a criminal case is nearly always devastating. It can feel like all the doors are closing. There is, however, one last potential option open to you even after you've lost: an appeal. Here's a look into the appeal process. read more
Apr 06
Although possessing and consuming cannabis is no longer illegal in Washington state, cannabis users who travel with their favorite strain or edible could still land in trouble. Here are a couple examples of how the law relates to traveling with marijuana. read more