Nov 07
Non-alcoholic beer isn't exactly a huge seller at bars, but many people do enjoy knocking back a cold one. But if you've had a few non-alcoholic beers and you get pulled over, could you end up in hot water? read more
Oct 26
Ever looked over at your neighbor's garden and thought that their rhododendrons would look much better on your side of the fence? Better head to your local greenhouse instead of picking up a shovel, because theft of another person's plant can be a surprisingly serious situation. read more
Oct 11
Everyone's seen the headlines about Millennials: they're lazy and entitled and can't do anything right. But regardless of what you think of Millennials recent numbers from the Bureau of Justice Statistics show that they're nowhere near the most criminal generation. read more
Sep 20
Every day in America, men and women are stopped, searched, and arrested for drug charges. To get a better understanding of the legal system as it pertains to drugs and drug charges, it's a good idea to brush up on which drugs fall under which categories—and why. read more
Sep 06
If you're lucky enough to have a friend with a boat, you may not want to push your luck when it comes to drinking and boating. Though it may seem harmless enough, boating under the influence (BUI) is actually a pretty serious crime—and one that Seattle and Washington state police take very seriously. read more