Mar 23
Last August, the Seattle Times reported on an elderly Seattle resident who was facing his 17th DUI case. Prior to 2007, a drunk driver could not be charged with a felony in the state of Washington for driving while intoxicated unless the driver caused serious injury or death. That law has since been changed, allowing prosecutors to charge an intoxicated driver with a Class C felony in cases where the driver had five DUI convictions within ten years. read more
Mar 12
In early February 2020, Seattle detectives arrested a suspect who was linked to two sexual assaults committed more than five years ago. These sexual assault crimes are extremely serious and can carry fines up to $50,000, prison time as high as a life term, or both. read more
Feb 25
Recently Seattle has gotten some bad press, but is Seattle crime truly out of control? Why are so many people convinced that Seattle is a dangerous and violent city full of crime? read more
Feb 13
Since the beginning of 2020, Washington State Patrol has arrested 200 drivers for driving under the influence. Even with the rise of ridesharing services like Lyft and Uber, drivers are still choosing to drive under the influence. When arrested, they face severe legal penalties and consequences. read more
Jan 21
Hate crimes in Washington are unfortunately more common than many people realize. So when is a crime a hate crime and what happens if you're convicted? read more