Mar 19
Ever since Washington became one of the first two states to pass laws legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, the state's legislature has been working to develop rules for the emerging pot industry. read more
Mar 07
Two officers of the law have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in Seattle, Washington while off duty. read more
Mar 05
If you have had a family member or loved one arrested and charged with a domestic violence crime, you may have questions and may want to contact an attorney to protect YOUR rights. read more
Feb 22
If you have been charged with a criminal offense in the state of Washington, you need to be aware of the serious ramifications that a conviction can have on the rest of your life. read more
Feb 21
An Arizona appeals court has upheld a ruling that gives police the right to prosecute marijuana users for driving under the influence of drugs even if they are not necessarily impaired. read more