Sep 06
If you're lucky enough to have a friend with a boat, you may not want to push your luck when it comes to drinking and boating. Though it may seem harmless enough, boating under the influence (BUI) is actually a pretty serious crime—and one that Seattle and Washington state police take very seriously. read more
Jul 13
If you asked, just about any first-year law student or police academy newbie could quickly tell you which season is typically the most crime-heavy: Summer. How do we know about summer crime? It's simple—there's data. read more
May 26
When an officer of the law is slapping cuffs on your wrist or peppering you with questions at a police department, it can be extremely frightening. It's a good idea to know exactly what you're entitled to do under the law to protect yourself. That means understanding your constitutional right to stay quiet and using it when the time comes. If you've been accused of a crime—even if you've just been stopped by a traffic cop!—do yourself (and your attorney) a favor and follow these steps: read more
Mar 23
When a person shows clear signs of substance abuse issues, prison can be the worst possible place for them. Instead, a judge may choose an alternate sentence, like work release or another type of diversion. Ankle monitors, in addition to being a fairly common plot device in television and films, are also a possible avenue. However, their representation in the media is, unsurprisingly, not always 100% accurate. read more
Feb 10
Under current Washington state laws, a first DUI is a gross misdemeanor; the harshest penalty someone with no priors can expect is a year's suspension of their license, a fine of $5,000, and jail time of up to a year. read more