May 18
In non-legal environments, many people use the terms homicide and murder interchangeably. That can lead to a lot of confusion when a criminal case is underway. What exactly does homicide mean? What about murder? Or manslaughter? Here's a rundown of what each word means. read more
Feb 23
For a lot of people, a background check is no big deal—but if you've got a record, you know that sinking feeling you get when you realize that you may not get a job or an apartment because of your prior convictions. Fortunately, a criminal record may not always be the end of the world—in fact, some infractions, convictions, and other transgressions may be expunged. read more
Nov 21
Though they're often attributed to teens, there's no age limit on selfies. There's also, apparently, no age when grown adults realize that a selfie can do more than just get you likes—it can get you a long sentence in prison. That's the lesson that Samuel Morales Jr, 34, recently learned, according to a report from the Seattle PI. read more
Oct 11
Everyone's seen the headlines about Millennials: they're lazy and entitled and can't do anything right. But regardless of what you think of Millennials recent numbers from the Bureau of Justice Statistics show that they're nowhere near the most criminal generation. read more
Jul 13
If you asked, just about any first-year law student or police academy newbie could quickly tell you which season is typically the most crime-heavy: Summer. How do we know about summer crime? It's simple—there's data. read more