Mar 07

2 Seattle Officers Face DUI Charges
by Lewis & Laws
Law Officials charged with DUI and Assigned to Desk Duty
Two officers of the law have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in Seattle, Washington while off duty. They received their sentencing last Wednesday for the event that occurred last December 2012. According to police reports, the two officers were off duty when were pulled over by local authorities after the Seattle Police Department received a phone call that a car hit a poll while driving through an intersection.
During the field sobriety tests, Officer Marie Gochnour was found to have blood alcohol level of .234 in her first test and then a .247 in the second. The legal BAC level in the state of Washington is 0.08%, and hers was well over this limit. The second officer who was arrested, Sean Moore, was tested and found with a .161 BAC level. While this case is pending, the two officers are assigned to desk duty.
As officers of the law, there is a lot at stake for these two individuals who have been accused of driving under the influence. Not only could their license be affected, but their job as a whole can be placed on the line for a conviction such as that of a DUI. For this very reason, hiring a skilled Seattle DUI lawyer is so crucial.
Whether you are an officer of the law who has been arrested for driving under the influence, or you are a businessman, a soccer mom or anything in between; at Baker, Lewis, Schwisow & laws, PLLC we are committed to helping our community challenge the criminal charges that have been placed against them. We understand that your future is at stake, and if convicted it could result in severe penalties with the law. Contact our firm today for the experienced Seattle criminal defense attorney that you deserve in the event you are arrested for a DUI or any other criminal offense; we want to fight for you!