Nov 20

How to Connect with Our Firm Through Social Media
by Lewis & Laws
Connect with Baker, Lewis, Schwisow & Laws Through Facebook, Twitter or Google+
At Baker, Lewis, Schwisow & Laws, we understand that you have a busy schedule, but still want to learn more about Seattle criminal defense. That’s why we have decided to make it easy for you. You can “like” us on Facebook, add us on Google+, and follow us on Twitter to get an extensive amount of information about criminal defense. On our Facebook, we post news articles about current criminal defense cases in the United States, and link to pages with information about how to handle crimes in the state of Washington.
Because most criminal cases are dealt with on a state level, you want to make sure that you are gathering your information from a local lawyer. If you are using a resource in another state, then chances are that the information that you are using is not accurate. You want to make sure that you are up-to-date and using a resource that you can trust. Our Facebook provides this solid information that you want to use when you are creating a defense for a case. We link to most information on our website, and also update our Facebook when we have posted a new blog. As well, our Facebook is a practical place for clients to post about their experiences with the firm.
If you are on Google+, you can also add us on here. We have both a firm profile and an attorney profile. On Albert Guadagno’s attorney profile, he keeps his followers informed by posting about accidents that have occurred in Washington and about the different trends in criminal law. All the attorneys at this firm are also listed on Avvo. Here, the attorneys have listed their extensive resumes and are rated by men and women who are in the legal industry. They can also be reviewed and rated by clients who have worked with the firm. If you want even more valuable information from the firm, then it may be in your best interests to follow Baker Lewis, Schwisow & Laws on Twitter. On our Twitter profile, we often post about different crimes that you may be facing, such as a DUI or assault charges. No matter what case you are dealing with, we want to try and help you.
You can also learn more about our firm by checking out our listings on directories like Yelp, Kudzu, and Insider Pages. If you want to call, then use this number to get ahold of our Seattle, Washington office: (800) 954-5724. Our office is located at 200 West Mercer St. Suite 411 Seattle, CA 98112. You can also get a hold of us by filling out a free case evaluation form. By using this form, you can explain the details of your case and the charges that you are facing. We will then be able to evaluate this case for free and get back to you about whether or not we can represent you. Contact us using any of the methods above today and make sure to take advantage of the social media outlets we have set up for your convenience.