May 20

Multiple DUIs in Seattle
by Lewis & Laws
Multiple DUIs in Seattle
According to KIRO7 News, Seattle police arrested a man for his second DUI in one week in mid-March of this year. The male suspect faced DUI charges earlier in the week and when he went to the impound lot to pick up his car, he unfortunately hit another car on the lot and fled the scene. Returning to his home in the early morning hours, the man was no doubt surprised to see the same police officer who had arrested him for DUI earlier in the week waiting. Rather than making the smart choice to surrender, the man announced he was not going back to jail, refusing to get out of his parked car. After SPD negotiators spent more than two hours attempting to talk the man out of his vehicle, a spike strip was placed behind the vehicle to prevent the suspect from fleeing.
Seattle police stated the suspect "huffed whippets" (small containers of nitrous oxide) inside the vehicle until they forcibly entered the vehicle, handcuffing the suspect. Police noted that "hundreds" of green and silver nitrous oxide containers fell from the car into the driveway as they forcibly removed the man. The suspect was charged with obstruction of justice, resisting arrest, leaving the scene of an accident, and driving under the influence. He was subsequently booked into the King County Jail. Obviously, this is an extreme case, and the suspect still has the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
Charged with DUI in Seattle?
Clearly, no one should ever drive while impaired. On the flip side of that is the fact is that there are two sides to every story, and a DUI charge should never define who you are, or totally alter your future. Mistakes can be made during a DUI stop—mistakes regarding probable cause to stop the driver at all and mistakes on the results of a Breathalyzer or other chemical test. An experienced Seattle DUI attorney is very familiar with the many ways to challenge and disprove the evidence against an accused, as well as the procedures involved.
Pre-trial motions could be filed, asking that illegally obtained evidence be suppressed, or the maintenance and calibration records of blood/breathalyzer machines may be reviewed. After all, machines are far from infallible. The device may not have been properly calibrated or maintained, or the officer who administered the test might not have been adequately trained or certified. A highly experienced Seattle DUI attorney will be able to both represent you in your criminal case, as well as in your civil case with the Seattle Department of Licensing.
Seattle Penalties for Multiple DUIs
You must take your DUI arrest very seriously, as the consequences can truly be life-altering. In the state of Washington, if your blood alcohol level is higher than .08 or your blood TCH levels were 5.0 per millimeter or higher, you will be considered under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or drug and can be charged with DUI. For a second or subsequent DUI charge, you could face anywhere from 30 days to one year in jail, mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device, fines as large as $5,000, and a driver's license suspension from two to four years. Should you refuse to submit to a breath or blood test, you could lose your driver's license for up to a year.
Additionally, you could face prohibitively expensive car insurance rates for high-risk auto insurance, mandatory alcohol or drug treatment, electronic home monitoring, sentencing to a work crew, community service and even loss of employment. You could also find it very difficult to obtain employment in the future with multiple DUIs on your record. With the level of penalties you could face when charged with a subsequent DUI, it is extremely important that you speak to an experienced Seattle DUI criminal defense attorney as quickly as possible.
Getting Help From Seattle DUI Defense Attorneys at Lewis & Laws, PLLC
If you have been arrested and charged with a DUI in Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, Everett, or anywhere in the state of Washington, you may face serious penalties and consequences that could affect your entire future. Contact an experienced Seattle DUI defense lawyer immediately to begin building a swift and formidable defense against these serious charges. The experienced lawyers at Lewis & Laws, PLLC have successfully defended clients in Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland. Contact us today at 206.209.0608 or fill out our online contact form to get more information or to get a free case review!