Dec 16

Seattle's Sentencing Guidelines For Violent Crimes
by Lewis & Laws
Seattle's Sentencing Guidelines For Violent Crimes
Getting arrested for a violent crime in Seattle is scary, and it’s natural to wonder what happens next. What will the judge consider? And what could this mean for your future?
Here’s the good news: Washington State’s sentencing guidelines might sound intimidating, but they’re not as complicated as they seem. These guidelines are there to ensure that every case is treated fairly, balancing the seriousness of the crime with your history and personal circumstances.
By understanding how the system works, you’ll be better prepared to face the road ahead—and possibly even find ways to improve your outcome.
What Determines Your Sentence?
When it comes to sentencing, two big questions come into play:
1. What was the crime?
Crimes in Washington are ranked by seriousness. For example, a charge like first-degree assault is more severe than third-degree assault, so it’s treated differently when sentencing is considered.
2. Do you have a record?
Your past matters here. Someone with no prior arrests may get a lighter sentence than someone with a history of similar offenses. Washington uses something called an "offender score" to calculate this, which is basically a way to measure your criminal history.
These two factors combine to set a sentencing range—a window of time you might face behind bars.
What Happens If You’re Facing a Mandatory Sentence?
Some violent crimes, like those involving a gun or other weapons, come with mandatory minimum sentences. These are fixed penalties the judge must follow. For instance, if a firearm was used during a robbery, the law might add extra time to your sentence.
This doesn’t mean there’s no hope. Judges still have some discretion to consider your unique situation, especially if there are mitigating circumstances.
Are There Alternatives to Prison?
Believe it or not, prison isn’t always the only option. Depending on your case, you might qualify for alternative sentencing programs like:
- DOSA (Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative): If substance use played a role in your crime, you might get treatment instead of straight prison time.
- SSOSA (Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative): This program focuses on rehabilitation for certain eligible offenders.
These options are typically available only under specific conditions, so it’s worth discussing with your attorney.
How to Prepare for Sentencing
The more you understand your situation, the better prepared you’ll be when facing the judge. Here are some steps you can take:
1. Work with a skilled Seattle criminal defense attorney: They’ll help explain the process, advocate for your interests, and identify any factors that could lessen your sentence.
2. Understand the charges: Knowing the specifics of your offense and how the state views it can help you and your lawyer build a stronger defense.
3. Show your willingness to change: Demonstrating remorse or a commitment to improving your behavior—like attending counseling—can go a long way.
Why Seattle’s Sentencing Guidelines Matter
"Sentencing can feel like the final chapter, but it’s actually just one part of your legal process. In Seattle, like the rest of Washington, the system is built to be fair while taking the unique details of your case into account. Judges aren’t just relying on guidelines—they’re considering you as a person. Your history, your actions, and where you go from here all factor into their decision. By learning how the system works and getting prepared, you can put yourself in a stronger position to move forward.
Contact Our Seattle Criminal Defense Lawyers
Facing sentencing after an arrest can be one of the most stressful experiences of your life. But knowledge is power. By learning how Seattle’s sentencing process works and working with the right law firm, you can approach this situation with clarity and confidence.
At Lewis & Laws, we believe one mistake shouldn’t define you, and we work hard to protect your future. If you’re facing criminal charges, let our Seattle criminal defense lawyer fight your rights.
We offer aggressive legal assistance to individuals from Seattle, Bellevue, Everett, and Washington State. Contact us today to explore your legal options. Protect your future and call us today!