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Apr 12

If you are pulled over for driving under the influence of alcohol, there may be many questions running through your mind. One of the most common questions is "Do I have to take a breathalyzer test?". The short answer is no. But before you refuse, there are some very important things you must consider about breathalyzers and DUI in Washington. read more

Mar 26

The media has been inundated in recent months with stories of women across the nation who have been victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault. As more women come forward, we are finally getting the full scope of the problem - and it is terrifying. Unfortunately, among most Americans, there seems to be some confusion between what is legally sexual harassment and what is sexual assault. read more

Mar 12

1 in 11 people will commit the crime of shoplifting in their lives - but only 1 in 48 will be caught. Of those, half will be turned over to the police for prosecution. The crime of shoplifting is a serious offense that is often not taken as seriously as it should. In fact, many people believe that shoplifting is a victimless crime - especially since many retail stores are big box stores with a high volume of sales. This is far from true. The cumulative effect of shoplifting and theft is substantial and the losses are absorbed by us - the consumer. read more

Feb 19

The last decade has seen some significant changes regarding the laws surrounding DUI interlock devices in the state of Washington, both as a "deterrent" to driving under the influence and as a punishment once a person is convicted of DUI. read more

Feb 19

The Washington State Legislature made extensive changes to DUI statutes in the state earlier in the year. A significant number of Washington's DUI-related statutes saw major changes from the passing of House Bill 1614, with most of those changes taking effect on July 23, 2017. Many in the state are unaware of these changes and could have some unwelcome surprises awaiting them if they happen to be pulled over for impaired driving. read more

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Should I plead guilty?

Once you plead guilty to a charge, you cannot change your plea afterwards, so it always advised that you talk with a criminal defense attorney at our firm before you do this. Pleading guilty means that you are admitting your conduct is punishable by the law and you know...

Why do I need a lawyer?

A criminal charge means that you could face sanctions including jail times, fines, probation, potential loss of your driver's license and other penalties. A skilled criminal defense attorney can guide you through the court process and advocate your position in order...

February 26, 2025

Can You Be Charged with Domestic Violence for Breaking Shared Property in...

You might not think breaking your own TV during an argument is a crime, but in Washington, it can be. The law treats property damage in domestic situations as a form of domestic violence,...

February 11, 2025

Making Bail After an Arrest in Seattle

Getting arrested is a stressful and often overwhelming experience, whether it happens to you or someone you care about. One of the first questions people have after an arrest is: How do I...