Sep 12
Nothing makes your stomach sink quite like the sight of flashing lights in your rearview mirror—even if it turns out the officer isn't stopping you. If, however, you are stopped by a police officer while driving, here are a couple tips to make sure that your rights are respected and that the encounter goes as smoothly as possible. read more
Aug 21
If you're caught with even a small amount of a controlled substance, you could be charged with drug possession. Even though it's a common charge, a drug possession conviction can have life-long consequences and should be taken just as seriously as any other criminal charge. Here's some basics to be aware of if you're charged with drug possession. read more
Aug 11
When we think about assault, we imagine one person beating another with their fists. However, the legal definition of assault is much broader than that, referring to any action that is carried out with the intention of causing harm to another person. Like many types of charges, assault charges are not always straightforward. read more
Jul 24
If you're been charged with a criminal offense, one of the most important steps you will take in defending yourself is hiring a lawyer. With such high stakes, however, it's easy to get overwhelmed when choosing an attorney. Here are some things to consider as you look for the right lawyer to defend you in your criminal case. read more
Jul 10
According to the law, any person who "intentionally prevents or attempts to prevent" arrest could be charged with resisting arrest. Here are some tips of avoid being charged with resisting arrest in the first place, and some defense strategies if you are accused of resisting arrest. read more