Nov 03
If you have recently been arrested for a DUI in Washington State, you might be worried and anxious about the consequences of the arrest. read more
Oct 24
Alcohol-related DUIs are the most common in Washington State, but an increasing number of people are being arrested while driving under the influence of marijuana. read more
Sep 10
In Washington, theft is defined as wrongfully taking or obtaining property or services with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of that property or of the value of the services. Appropriating lost or mistakenly delivered property is also considered theft. read more
Jun 18
Throughout our country, law enforcement officials take driving under the influence very seriously. Whether you are a first time offender or you have been convicted for multiple DUI charges... read more
Oct 28
Beauty Supply Store Worker Assaulted During Armed Robbery A woman in South Seattle almost suffered an injury when she was assaulted by an armed man as he robbed a beauty supply store. read more