Jul 24
Last week, Governor Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 5912 into law. SB 5912 was passed unanimously in both the state house and senate, and most provisions will take effect on September 28th, 2013. The ... read more
Jul 17
If a person is pulled over for suspicion of DUI, the length of time it takes to file charges may change dramatically based on the nature of the contact, whether the person was kept in custody, and the jurisdiction the offense is alleged to have taken place. read more
Jun 03
Back on April 19th, actress Reese Witherspoon caused a bit of a stir when footage surfaced purpotedly showing her and her husband in an unwanted encounter with law enforcement. read more
May 29
Anti-DUI car devices are commonly used as DUI penalties in the United States. Each state has their own uses for the ignition interlock devices, but a recent study shows that Washington is one of the top states utilizing these DUI prevention techniques. read more
Apr 30
In an effort to lower the amount of Driving Under the Influence [DUI] cases in the State of Washington, the State legislature and Governor Insleee have been working to overhaul Washington State's DUI laws. read more