Apr 25
On Sunday, a crazed 27-year-old went on a homicidal rampage on Federal Way in Washington. According to reports, an angry man murdered four people on the road by shooting a gun that alerted residents in a nearby apartment complex. read more
Apr 11
The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, which addresses safety issues throughout the West Seattle area, is meeting on April 16th to conduct an assessment of gang activity in the West Seattle area. read more
Mar 29
Zumba dance instructor, Alexis Wright, pleaded guilty this week for running a prostitution scheme through her dance studio in Maine. read more
Mar 19
Ever since Washington became one of the first two states to pass laws legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, the state's legislature has been working to develop rules for the emerging pot industry. read more
Mar 07
Two officers of the law have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in Seattle, Washington while off duty. read more